05 MAR 2015 by ideonexus
Gradualistic Mode and Saltatory Mode
Based on modern and contemporary history, there are two ways in which the results of fundamental scientific research can be converted into practical applications: gradualistic mode and saltatory mode.
Gradualistic mode: theoretical, fundamental results are gradually applied to technology; advances accumulate until they reach a breakthrough. Recent examples include the development of space technology.
Saltatory mode: theoretical, fundamental results rapidly become applied technology, leading...24 JAN 2015 by ideonexus
Elements of Humanity's Future
The next hundred years will be a period of transition between the metal-and-silicon technology of today and the enzyme-and-nerve technology of tomorrow. The enzyme-and-nerve technology will be the result of combining the tools of genetic engineering and artificial intelligence. We cannot hope to predict the concrete forms in which a mature enzyme-and-nerve technology would express itself. When I think of the space technology of tomorrow, I think of three concrete images in particular. First, ...07 NOV 2014 by ideonexus
Kardashev scale
Planetary Society.
Developed Technology.
* understanding the laws of physics.
* space technology.
* nuclear technology.
* electromagnetic communications.
Initiation of spaceflight, interplanetary travel, settlement of space.
Early attempts at interstellar communication.
Starting to push planetary resource limits.
Information Level: I.
Energy Consumption: 10 to the 16 power to 10 to the 17 power Watts.
Manifestations: Intentional or u...Folksonomies: extraterrestrials
Folksonomies: extraterrestrials